Wednesday, December 19, 2012

Halo 4 glitches

Ill be showing you some fun little Halo 4 glitches.              


How to have no weapon in your hand is a simple glitch to do. To do it you need a armor ability like thruster pack, jetpack our hologram . After picking what you want get a turret and take it of the stand. The last thing to do is to move backwards and while moving backwards drop the turret and use your armor ability at the same time. Repeat this till you lose all your weapons and it should look like this  ---> couldn't get a halo 4 pic of no weapons so heres one in halo reach but its still looks like this.


This isn't exactly a glitch more of a thing implemented in. To do this you have to be in offline mode, it does not work online. After you done with that, you could have a another remote and have a another acount so you can see what you look like after your done. Ok to the lowering, you need to do this four button combo: Hold jump (A), crouch (B), and reload (X) while pressing down on the D-Pad. If you did this right you should be lowering your weapon and you shouldent see it on your screen anymore!
if you have another controller this is what you look like!-->

Monday, December 17, 2012

First Post, Minecraft tricks for newbies!

                                           MINECRAFT TRICKS AND TIPS FOR STARTERS

If your just starting out on minecraft your first day may be pretty hard. Common things is getting torches our making a shelther. When you first start up your world try to get as much wood as you can by the time the sun is half way up. If you cant find any coal in the begining there's a neat trick to get some. make a furnace and cook wood logs in the furnace. Doing that you can get coal ( charcoal ) and use that to make torches.

For shelther the best thing to do is to set a base of operation underground to start of before building your dream house. Also remember to put torches around the area you are in so mobs dont spawn ( are you can set it to peacefull in the options. Here is a last tip, you can sprint faster if you jump and sprint at the same time.

                                                               A nicely lit up base

I hope this help for new players, i will be posting more stuff like this and giving out tips and glitches + tricks.  :D Also check out these guys. they can help you with your minecraft adventure!