If your team has no medic you should play medic. The medic is a very important player in the team because he can heal and charge the team. You can ubercharge when your meater is full. Ubercharges are great when pushing up points our clearing out everybody. The best pair is a medic and a heavy because off the damage the heavy can do. You can also make a medic circle where one other medic heals you and you heal him. If your in close combact you can use your saw to kill them. The saw is does tons of damage and can kill most enemy's in two hits with it. You also have a needle gun which you could use to. When your
healing someone you can still look around for

other people who needs healing to. Watch out
for spy's who ask for a medic because they try
to lure most people to them. If you want to make
sure there not a spy just use your saw and hit
them. They will most likely run away and you
can kill them with your needle gun.